Thomas Baart's Microblog

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Found: Unknown, 36 keys, old Apple-esque split

I recall it was designed by someone I met on the Colemak Discord server, though I forgot exactly who. It has a bit of an old Apple keyboard-vibe. The case is 3D printed, and it’s handwired. I do not know if the files are open source.

This post is part of a series on unique keyboards of which I’ve collected pictures over the years. All of the keyboards in the series were designed by fellow community members. At the time, I rarely collected context or the source, so information may be lacking at times.

Why is it special?

  • The case is printed from multiple parts. The use of colours therein really makes the design pop!
  • Handwiring is a bit of a chore, but allows for creative controller placement. The case outline looks very sleek as a result.

Thanks for reading!

