Thomas Baart's Microblog

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Race Report: 5k Banthumloop 2024

Action photo! Me running somewhere along the 3km mark.

On Friday evening, I participated in my second 5K race event: the Banthumloop in Bergentheim, the Netherlands. It’s a small regional event that saw a few hundred people competing, with 135 people in my bracket (Men aged 20 to 39).

In my first event, the Hardenberg City Run, on May 18th 2024, I set a time of 31:58. I had the feeling I had more to give, which is a bit of a waste – you can only set a finish time once, after all.

This time, I set out to give more and do better, and aimed for a time below 30:00.

The stats as registered by the race sensors.

And I succeeded! I finished in 29:19, giving me 41 seconds to spare to my thirty-minute goal.

It wasn’t exactly a cakewalk, though. While in the first few minutes I thought “this pace feels kind of slow, let’s pick it up”, I quickly felt like I started off too strongly, way above the pace I’m used to running during my normal training.

I adjusted and slowed myself down before I’d have to start walking along the way. Around twenty minutes in, I started feeling more fatigued and really wanted to start walking. I had to push myself to keep running. Uncomfortable, but as I’m learning more often: it’s fine to be uncomfortable for a while as long as it doesn’t cause pain.

My pace during the race, as estimated by my Garmin Forerunner 955. You can see me starting off (too) strongly, and going for a small sprint at the end.

Near the end, I could see part of the race timer near the finish: 29:__. I couldn’t see the seconds, and I knew I wanted to finish within thirty minutes. Of course I could have checked my watch, too, but I felt a rush, mustered up what was left of my energy and pushed for a small final sprint.

My estimated stamina during the race.

And I made it! This time, with barely any energy to spare – I do feel like I’ve pushed myself more to my limit, and I don’t think I could’ve run much faster. Perhaps a few seconds, but not a lot more.

Next time

The next run will be on August 23rd, a 10k race. I still have around nine weeks left to go, and I’d really like to finish within 60:00. With the way I’m training at the moment, I’m confident I’ll make it, but it’ll be a tough challenge regardless.

To improve

It’s easy to say “I want to be faster”, but that’s probably hard to improve on its own. I feel like I should work on increasing my cadence, and possibly decreasing my stride length. I feel I could run faster that way, and I also feel less strain – but it will take some getting used to, so I’ll try and incorporate it into my routine.

I also hope to get off my weight plateau and start losing a little more weight. Every kilogram helps, especially when running, so I hope to sit around 106kg by the next race day – a little under 400g to lose per week. Goals!

My cadence and stride length during the race.

Thanks for reading!

