Thomas Baart's Microblog

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A guide to home row mods, by Precondition

Image taken from precondition’s blog post.

Every once in a while, someone steps up with a great resource on a very specific piece of functionality. Someone who goes by the nickname “precondition” wrote a very extensive piece on home row mods back in 2020. Since then, it saw several updates, so it’s still relevant today, in 2024.

In short, using home row mods is the practise of putting modifiers (such as shift, control, alt and GUI) on the home row. There are multiple ways of going about that, and this article primarily explains the use of “mod tap”, which is when holding a key does something different from tapping it, and its various configuration options within QMK.

There’s no way I can do justice to the article with a short post, so go and read it yourself 😎

Thanks for reading!

